This section introduces all the efforts made by countries in relation to the awakening of the Codes of Living Well, including methodological documents, testimonies, videos, meetings and dialogues, and other activities developed by ancestral peoples, governments and relevant actors.
To make visible and register the Codes of Living Well, the government of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, in coordination with originary peoples, has promoted a five-stage effort.
A methodological guide has been developed that incorporates a set of steps so that indigenous peoples can identify the Codes of Living Well from the reflection of their own experiences in different areas of life and in their relationship with Nature.
Workshops have been held to disseminate the methodology among those in charge of the Plurinational Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures (IPELC) of the Bolivian government, which have local presence in each originary people, so that they can motivate and accompany this process.
Each originary people has held meetings gathering their wise and elders men and women to make visible and record their Codes of Living Well.
Each person responsible for collecting the Codes of Living Well has prepared a technical sheet where the relevant information of the process is recorded.
The representatives of each originary people have drawn up an official document approving the Codes of Living Well worked on in the participatory meetings.