

The Ancestral Peoples of Mother Earth have never adapted to the world of anthropocentrism, divisiveness and imbalance because we are connected to Mother Earth and the Living Library of Nature.

We have resisted genocidal colonization for many centuries and have not allowed ourselves to be exterminated by the anthropocentric, Eurocentric, imperialist and capitalist Western civilizational paradigm. We continue to dance, sow, harvest, celebrate life and weave our utopias.

Now that we are living in a time of total uncertainty, global disorder, imbalance and multiple and transversal civilizational crisis, the ancestral peoples have the responsibility to release to the world the wisdom and energies of the Culture of Life from the cosmobiocentric horizon of Living Well.

The wisdom of Living Well is protected in our languages, textiles, ceremonies, dances, sciences, myths, sacred places, which must be decoded, and which now awaken to history as Codes of Living Well. No matter what language they are encoded, they are the patrimony of all peoples to live in balance, harmony and complementarity.

Rainbow coding: the Wiphala


Laws, powers, forces and Regularities of nature
White: The order of the cosmos and of the natural world have a critical structure of complementary between opposite pairs.
Green: Mother Earth and Nature are living beings with consciousness.
Blue: The energy of coexistence of life is composed be networks of material and spiritual energy.
Purple: The organization of communities is essential for the upbringing of life systems.
Red: The multiverse is an organic and harmonious totality.
Orange: Life is the meaning of everything, it is the beginning and the end.
Yellow: The support of the whole is the dialogue between Nature, human society and extra-human society.



The Codes of Living Well awaken together with the Wiphala which is the coding of the rainbow and the maximum manifestation of the harmony, balance and complementarity of Nature.

It is time to return to the paths of unity of all ancestral peoples of the world, totalizing the ancestral plural wisdom of the codes of Living Well, which are integrated in the Wiphala, and to reconnect with the great matrix of life of Mother Earth.